Frequently Asked Questions for SunSystems
What is JET?
JET stands for Journal Entry Thin. It is an application in its own right but is also the transaction processing engine for all of the Professional Advantage companion products which create transactions (ie IPOS, Bank Reconciliation, CSB Invoicing, Receipting, InterCompany and Consolidations).
In the transaction processing engine capacity it replicates all the same business logic and rules as used in the SunSystems Ledger Entry/Import processes. This ranges from the validation of the static data information (ie valid accounts, analysis codes, journal types etc) through to the balancing criteria (ie in total, by period, by analysis code or transaction reference (if defined).
As an application in its own right it can be used to enter transactions into SunSystems, when you don’t want to use Ledger Entry. The processing logic outlined in the previous paragraph is equally applied to these transactions.
In this capacity a user can work off-line (ie off their network) and create SunSystems transactions, with them being posted into SunSystems when next the user is online. Again all the processing logic and rules apply to these transactions.
What Professional Advantage solutions are available for Infor SunSystems v6 & do they support Unicode?
Status of Professional Advantage software supporting Infor SunSystems v6.2 Unicode:-
The following software has been released:-
Advanced Inquiry v6.0.3
The following is in progress:-
Collect 6.0.3
JET 6.0.0
B4B 6.0.3
iPOS 5.8.18
To be followed by:-
eRemit 6.0.5
Bank Reconciliation 6.0.0
Contract & Service Billing 6.0.3
How can I consolidate data from one business unit to another?
The Consolidations application is a ledger data aggregation application that allows the automatic consolidation of journals from multiple Infor FMS SunSystems business units. It supports multi-currency conversions, provides for inter-company eliminations, and produces a detailed audit trail on completion.
Is there an easy ad-hoc inquiry tool that my users can use to interrogate my SunSystems data?
Yes, Advanced Inquiry is a powerful, flexible easy to use, ad hoc inquiry tool that allows you to interrogate, drill down and drill around real-time SunSystems ledgers and Internet Purchase Order System (iPOS) data.
Both summary and detail ad hoc and recurring queries can be extracted, grouping on any static or dynamic dimensions and / or attributes.
It has a powerful search capability on master and transaction fields, with the option of preforming calculations and query results can be exported to MS Excel, MS Word .html or .xml
Recurring invoicing, can this be done by Infor SunSystems?
Is it possible to generate a bank file for foreign currency payment processed in SunSystems to upload to the bank for processing?
B4B is a module that caters for this. Please check with your account manager for the availability of bank formats.
How do I add a new delivery address in IPOS?
There are a number of steps to be completed before a new delivery address is available in IPOS. And the steps vary whether you are using Infor SunSystems 4 or 5/6.
If using Infor SunSystems 5/6
The base address details for delivery addresses are stored in SunSystems alongside all other address details. The first step is to go into Infor SunSystems and add the new delivery address details into the Address Maintenance function. Follow the same protocol for codes and the like as other delivery addresses.
The next step is to add the new address (es) to the list of addresses stored against the Business Unit. This is done via the Business Unit Name function and then choosing Business Unit Address. A list of already defined delivery addresses are displayed.
Add the new details.
Then in IPOS administration – the new delivery address (es) are available for assigning to the various group profile definitions requiring access to the new address (es). Choose the group profile and open the list of sub nodes, choose delivery addresses. The ones linked to the profile are shown in the top frame and the unattached ones are in the bottom frame. Select the new one(s) in the bottom frame and use the arrow buttons to move them into the top frame. Click on the Tick icon to save.
Repeat for all group profiles.
If applicable you can then change the default delivery address for a particular group profile by going back to the general tab and setting the new default delivery address in the applicable field. Repeat for all applicable group profiles.
If using Infor SunSystems 4
New Delivery Address details are added in using the IPOS Admin console. In left hand tree choose Addresses and then Internal. Click on the new button to add the new delivery address details.
Once done then you need to update the group profile records as described in Infor SunSystems 5/6 steps.
At month end we need to do a series of cost re-allocations within the company, currently this is a very manual process using Excel Spreadsheets and Ledger Imports. Can it be done within Infor SunSystems directly?
Yes, there is a module within Infor SunSystem which does exactly this – Corporate Allocations. Your company needs to be licensed to use this module.
The module allows you to define the allocation pool of costs/transactions to be distributed, the basis of apportionment or re-allocation (ie floor space, no of staff etc) and finally the target accounting entries.
We manage multiple companies within Infor SunSystems and I am regularly raising InterCompany entries between the entities. I am doing these manually at present, can they be automated?
Yes there are a number of automation options available but all require the use of particular Infor SunSystems modules or Professional Advantage Companion software.
To achieve this within Infor SunSystems itself you will need to be licensed for Corporate Allocations. Whilst the name suggests other things it can be used to automate the raising or managing of intercompany entries between entities. These can be in the same database/business unit or different ones. It can also handle multi-currency intercompany entries as well.
Alternatively Professional Advantage has an InterCompany application which can manage this process and automate the intercompany transaction process. One limitation though is that it cannot currently handle multi-currency intercompany entries.
A second Professional Advantage solution is that entries processed via JET can automatically generate intercompany transactions at the same time as processing the source transactions. These can only be done where the currency is the same between the source and target entities.
When creating a new supplier or customer in Infor SunSystems 5 or 6 there are so many different records to be created in the process and doing them online is quite slow. Is there a quicker way to do this and along the way ensure I capture all the required data?
There are a lot of different records to be created and in a particular order as well. For example for a new supplier you need to create the address record first then the supplier/chart of account record, then bank details (if paying by eft) and then contact records (if using IPOS). It’s not to dis-similar for Customers.
Using a combination of Excel, Q&A Excel and Transfer Desk we can help improve the process. A template can be setup in excel, prompting for all the relevant fields (from across all the required record types). Then using Data Send and Q&A XL Macros we can transfer the data into Infor SunSystems. This can be done directly or using Import Files and Transfer Desk to update Infor SunSystems.
Note this could also be applied for maintaining customer/supplier records or other high volume static data records (eg chart of accounts, fixed assets etc)
Transaction Analysis codes are being provided on my ledger imports but they are not appearing on the posted transactions in Infor SunSystems, why is this?
Posting rules for the transaction analysis dimensions is primarily controlled by the Chart of Account record settings and in some instances the Journal Type definitions.
On the Chart of Account Record there is a setting for each of the ten (10) transaction analysis dimensions which define whether a code for that dimension is required or not. There are 3 options for each setting Mandatory, Prohibited and Optional.
Mandatory means that every transaction to that account must have a code for that particular dimension category.
Prohibited means the opposite – values are not recorded on transactions to the account for the particular transaction analysis dimension. So if a transaction analysis code is supplied in an import file to an account which has the particular category requirement set to ‘prohibited’ it will ‘drop the value’ and leave the field blank. The import will not fail, but if you look at the ledger import report it will show the values it has cleared
Is it possible to generate debtor statements by due date automatically and email directly to customer?
The Collect module would enable you to define search sets for your criteria to generate debtor statements and specify the required delivery method. This search set can then be scheduled to run automatically via PA Scheduler.
We have multiple business units defined and users continually forget which business unit they are working in. Is there a way to easily identify the business unit they are attached to?
A common problem and can be addressed in a couple of ways. Firstly at the bottom of each SunSystems 5/6 screen, in the right hand corner, amongst other things it displays the current business unit they are assigned. In addition you can assign ‘colours’ to each of the business units so that all the screens for a business unit are displayed in the same colour. This way you can get a very visual flag as to what business unit a user is working in.
Assigning the business unit colour is done on the business unit setup screen. Depending on the version of Infor SunSystems it is via the function Business Unit Setup for Sun 5 and 6.1 and via Business Unit Administration/Amend for Sun 6.2.
Why JET is rejecting the super user password when I can use the same to login to Sun/User Manager?
The password length for JET is 10 characters. If your Sun super user has a password length longer than 10 characters, it will be truncated after 10th character when using to login to JET therefore rendering it as invalid password for JET. Make sure the super user password length is less than 10 characters so that it is accepted by JET.
Do business rules defined within Infor SunSystems apply to transactions created from Professional Advantage companion products (ie IPOS, Bank Reconciliation, CSB Invoicing, Receipting)?
No they don’t. These applications post their accounting transactions via an alternate posting engine called JET and thereby bypasses the Infor SunSystems business rules functionality. JET has its own business rules enforcement capabilities, through the ability to define analysis validation or defaulting rules. It doesn’t match the Infor SunSystems business rules 100% but will cover most scenarios.
What role do Business Rules play in ensuring clean data capture in Infor SunSystems?
Within SunSystems the chart of accounts and analysis dimensions are independent sets of records. On one hand this makes it very easy to create new accounts or analysis codes as they are separate records. In many companies though there are combinations of these records which satisfy their own business logic (ie Assigning a reporting group to a range of accounts, ensuring only Marketing department uses the Marketing related chart of accounts). Through the definition of Business Rules we can define these implied relationships and thereby ensure only valid combinations are captured on a reference record or on a transaction at the time of processing the transaction. As a result the data is captured correctly and not causing time to be wasted at month end on reconciling/validating the data.
Setting up Infor SunSystems in a multi company environment
There are a couple of key factors to consider when considering this situation. They are: what is the functional currency to be for each of the companies, what are the financial years of the companies and will they have the same chart of accounts and analysis structure.
If the answer to any of these is that there are differences between the companies then it would point to setting up the different companies as different business units, so as to allow for the different key definitions.
If the answer to these factors is that they are the same for the companies then there are two possible options. The most common option these days is to set them up in a single business unit, with a transaction dimension defined for company code. The business unit is then configured to ensure all journals/transactions balance at the company level (hence ensuring each company has a balanced ledger). Benefits of this model is that it is easier to maintain and ensures consistency of structure across the companies.
Alternatively the less common option is to set the companies up as different business units and maintaining separate sets of records for each. The primary weakness of this is the time and effort required to maintain them (everything has to be repeated across the companies) and as such keeping the companies data structure consistent.
How can Infor SunSystems be configured to cater for Joint Venture Accounting?
If the company is the manager of a Joint Venture (JV) then primarily the JV would be configured in exactly the same way as a ‘corporate entity’. In that sense it can be defined in its own business unit or could be defined in a common business unit with a JV transaction analysis dimension defined to capture the particular JV name/code. Business logic would be defined to ensure that JV maintains a set of balanced accounts. This would capture all the accounting transactions for the JV.
From a reporting perspective you can report the JV from its own unique JV transaction code. For reporting to the JV partners you can either use the reporting tools available to split the data within the report or you can make use of one of the available budget ledgers in Infor SunSystems to record the partner splits of the JV activities. This would then give you an historical record of the periodic splits and make reporting simpler and easier.
To aid in this process the Corporate Allocations module can be used to automate the splitting and posting of the partner split transactions into the applicable budget ledger. Partner percentages are stored in memorandum accounts and used as the basis for splitting the actual costs. The percentages can be changed at any time and any future splits would apply the new percentage.
If the partner company wants to apply the ‘proportionate consolidation’ of the JV activities into its own accounts it is very easy to transfer the data from the partner split ledger to the partner companies accounts for their share. The Corporate Allocations module can be used to automate this process.
How can you make changes to forms in Infor SunSystems?
So, you open a ledger entry form and you find those annoying fields that you don’t need or you always fill in the same value each time. Also you may have a problem where in say a chart of account form doesn’t have an account analysis filled in or the forms are just too messy and you would like to simplify the layout or order of entry.
Can I default those fields that are always the same? Can I get rid of that annoying currency field when I never use multi-currency?
First of all, to customise forms, you need to be on version 5 or 6. You cannot change forms in Sun 4. You need to access the ‘Forms Designer’ in the menu. If you don’t see it, you may not have permission to access it so you need to talk to your administrator.
When you open the form designer, you will see the same form that you normally access but you have properties that you can fill in when you select the field. For instance, you can change the colour of the field or the default value. You can add a pre-set, make it mandatory to enter a value.
You can drag and drop a field to a different location. You can capture other grouped information and have them in a different tab so that you don’t get a busy looking form when you first open it.
It is also extremely useful to make it easier for end users to navigate forms and not have to fill in as much information. For instance, if you have a multi business user installation, you may find every time you open a ledger entry form, you have to enter the business unit field. What if you could create another entry form, preset the business unit field and then attach the form to a menu item – say called ‘Journal Entry – BU1’?
I would advise you get at least a small amount of training so you know how to access the forms, how to know which form is being used in your menu and at least an overview of the forms editor.
You can start by copying an existing form and then make changes. You will never get in trouble as it won’t be in production.
Mastering the Forms Designer will add a great deal to your ability to customise your Infor SunSystems.
Can I make minor changes to my SunSystems v6 reports?
Yes, SunSystems v6 uses SSRS (SunSystems Reporting Services) to design reports. This report writer is an easy-to-use report design tool, which enables users to edit existing reports or documents which can then be printed, viewed on screen or published in a variety of formats.
How can I report last year's depreciation transactions for certain assets in Infor SunSystems?
SunSystems depreciation reports and queries can be extracted using the Query and Analysis reporting suite, SunSystems standard Fixed Asset reports or Advanced Inquiry. These reports and queries can be filtered by 'Asset Code', 'Asset Indicator', and 'Asset Classification', allowing report results to include the initial cost, added value and depreciation values for specific assets, group of assets or for an asset classification as required.
In Infor SunSystems does the BAS Interface support Standard Business Reporting?
BAS Interface is a recognised registered product with the Australian Tax Office.
BAS Interface reporting via SBR (Standart Business Reporting is in progress for accreditation with the ATO.
What is Extended Analysis?
Extended analysis is a new Infor SunSystems module available in V6.2 which extends the multi-dimensional capabilities of the core product. It provides additional dimensions to drive further analysis and reporting possibilities. Up to 35 new extended analysis is available per dimension. Extended Analysis is sold as separate module.
Can I set up Scheduled Payments in SunSystems?
From SunSystems v5.3 onwards, it is possible to automate the payment of invoices in instalments, by defining scheduled payments. This allows transaction lines for suppliers, customers or clients to be automatically split based on a defined schedule of percentage and date information assigned to them.
How can I create interfaces between SunSystems and other business systems?
SunSystems Transfer Desk provides the ability to transfer both master and transactional data into and out of SunSystems, to/from external files, as well as internally between SunSystems business units.
It provides the ability to define the external file structure, mapping and transformation required between systems.
In addition, Professional Advantage offers standard and customised interfaces. We have a full on-site development team who can create customised interfaces between SunSystems and other internal applications. Our standard payroll interface suite includes MicroPay Meridian, Chris Payroll and Rockfast.
Can I schedule transfer desk profiles automatically?
Yes, SunSystems transfer desk profiles or automations (multiple transfer desk profiles grouped together to run as one process), can be scheduled to run at a predetermined time using a scheduler program such as Windows NT Scheduler.
What are the benefits of the SunSystems uni-ledger?
The benefits of the SunSystems uni-ledger are as follows:
- All transactions are real-time, held in a single ledger
- No batch updates from sub-ledgers to the ledger are required
- No reconciliations required between sub ledgers and control account in the ledger
- Single point of access
What are the benefits of the SunSystems structure (smart transactions vs string)?
Are you interested in what the benefits of the SunSystems structure are?
- All SunSystems general ledger accounts have an account type identifier, which provides the ability to either include or exclude accounts by type in reporting and business processes
- Each account can have up to 10 static analysis dimensions attached to it, for alternate reporting requirements
- Each ledger transaction can have up to 10 analysis dimensions, with the associated code attached, for reporting requirements
Can the standard SunSystems v6 Trial Balance be extracted into MS Excel?
Yes, the standard Trial Balance in SunSystems 6 can be exported into the following formats: CSV; PDF; Excel; Word; TIFF; XML and MHTML.
How can I record extra descriptions against general ledger transactions?
There are up to 25 additional non validated description fields (30 characters each), and 5 additional date fields available against each ledger transaction line in the SunSystems ledger, and be included on forms, filters and reports.
These fields can be populated during Ledger Entry or Import, or by business rules, once the required additional fields have been created and included, as required. Editing these fields can be activated in Account Allocation.
Why would I choose iPOS as my procurement system for Infor SunSystems?
iPOS integrates with Infor SunSystems. This means there is no duplication of data, there are no batch processes you need to run to make sure that items as basic as say a new chart of account code is available. Create a chart of account code in Infor SunSystems and it is available for use in iPOS immediately.
iPOS posts directly to the Infor SunSystems ledgers. If you are posting an invoice then the previous posting entry will reverse at the same time. If the previous posting is not able to be completed, for example you have closed your analysis code half an hour ago, then iPOS won’t complete the posting. It’s that simple.
iPOS was designed specifically for Infor SunSystems so iPOS natively recognises open and closed periods and transaction dates, reference data such as account codes, analysis code and dimensions. Journal types, currencies, daily and period rates, tax codes, address record to provide just some examples of the depth of integration.
Other solutions that ‘interface’ rather than ‘integrate’ can’t offer instant validation, or instant recognition of open or closed status. Solutions that interface are only as current as the last time the batch process was run to supply the details needed. Anyone who has ever had to wade through and deal with the aftermath of the effects of a failed batch process would appreciate the benefits of a solution that integrates.
Can I restrict selected SunSystems users from posting to prior financial periods?
Permissions in SunSystems are defined and allocated by user group. Period posting restrictions are defined globally in the SunSystems ledger setup, and then refined by operator group in the miscellaneous permissions as part of the security configuration. Users in a group can be restricted to posting journals to their 'open range' of periods, which could be to the ledger 'current period' only, if required.
Why is SunSystems so popular with insurance companies?
Insurance is an interesting business - there are times when the customers (policy holders) are also creditors (policy claimants). As a result the business needs to deal with the same entity in parallel. The SunSystems uniledger allows a single entity to be classified and managed as both a debtor and a creditor. This makes it possible to deal with the entity separately as one or the other, as a combined entity in transactional processing and also analysis and reporting.
What are the different ways that a user can raise a requestion in iPOS?
1. Simple Tab
The most common way to raise a requisition is through the workpad by using the ‘simple tab’.
The simple tab is a collection of fields that are the minimum number of fields required to create what is required for a valid requisition.
2. Advanced workpad tabs
The additional tabs on the workpad can be used to raise a requisition. Many of the fields that are on the simple tab are present on the individual tab e.g. the ‘Item code’ and corresponding item details also appear on the Item tab.
3. Shopping Cart
Users are able to navigate to items via a hierarchy defined by your organisation to make selecting items easier. Your organisation may choose to also optionally include an image of the item to assist in identifying the item. Users continue to select items, adding to the ‘shopping cart’ before finalising their selections by adding them to a requisition.
4. Catalogues
Catalogues allow your organisation to group together items under a common grouping. Typically I have seen catalogues grouped together by supplier. Having a catalogue by supplier name allows you to easily identify all of the items that you are able to purchase form the one supplier. Catalogue selection is available by selecting the ‘catalogue selection on the bottom of the workpad that appears when you select ‘Add Item’.
5. Templates
A similar principal to Catalogue grouping. Templates are typically used to group together items commonly purchased together. These items can be available from multiple suppliers. Templates are available from the bottom of the workpad screen.
6. Favourites
Users are able to flag items they find themselves regularly purchasing and may then pick from their favourite listing via the ‘Favourites’ option at the bottom of the requisitions work pad.
7. Previous Items
Users are able to select from a listing of all previous items they have purchased previously. Users simply pick from the listing of previously purchased items via the ‘Previous Items’ option at the bottom of the requisitions work pad.
8. Requisition copy
From within the requisition search screen locate the requisition/(s) that you wish to copy. Either select individual requisition lines to ‘copy lines’ onto a single requisition or select a single line and then select to ‘copy requisition’ to copy all other lines that the selected requisition was created on.
9. Contracts
Users may select items attached to Supplier Attached Item contracts. Users select the appropriate contract number and are then presented with the items and quantities available from that contract. Contract requisitions may be created via the ‘Contact’ option located at the bottom of the workpad screen.
10. Importing
Importing of requisition items are available to the system, this is used widely in the iPOS user-base by organisations who desire to have operational and business functions working seamlessly. iPOS supports the import of data in XML format.
Professional Advantage has worked with many clients to build an interface to assist with converting data from other sources into a suitable format for importing into the system as a requisition
11. iPOS XL
Designed to assist those organisations with large and complex requisitions that may require minor changes or additions to the data. Enables the creation of a requisition within the familiar Excel spreadsheet tool. This tool performs all standard iPOS validation checks and budget checking controls before creating a requisition directly to the requisition portal.
12. Punchout
Punchout directly to a supplier’s online in-house order catalogue, fill the shopping cart from the website, ‘check-out’ to transfer the items back into iPOS for:
• budget checking controls (optional)
• iPOS approval requirements.
Most suppliers offering this service also offer electronic invoicing, reducing the need for any manually invoice processing.