What is JET?

JET stands for Journal Entry Thin. It is an application in its own right but is also the transaction processing engine for all of the Professional Advantage companion products which create transactions (ie IPOS, Bank Reconciliation, CSB Invoicing, Receipting, InterCompany and Consolidations).

In the transaction processing engine capacity it replicates all the same business logic and rules as used in the SunSystems Ledger Entry/Import processes. This ranges from the validation of the static data information (ie valid accounts, analysis codes, journal types etc) through to the balancing criteria (ie in total, by period, by analysis code or transaction reference (if defined).

As an application in its own right it can be used to enter transactions into SunSystems, when you don’t want to use Ledger Entry. The processing logic outlined in the previous paragraph is equally applied to these transactions.

In this capacity a user can work off-line (ie off their network) and create SunSystems transactions, with them being posted into SunSystems when next the user is online. Again all the processing logic and rules apply to these transactions.