Professional Advantage is a global organisation with offices in Australia - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth; the United Kingdom; and the United States.

We offer a diverse range of products and services which varies in each location.

In Australia our offering includes:

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft Power BI Microsoft Power Platform Microsoft Azure


  Microsoft Teams Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Microsoft Security Managed Services Microsoft 365 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management


QlikView  Upbeat Membership   PaperSave XMPro Infor SunSytems iWorkplace




In the United Kingdom our offering includes:

Upbeat Membership B4B  Infor SunSystems XMPro


In the United States our offering includes:

Microsoft Dynamics 365 1Staff Company Data Archive for Microsoft Dynamics GP


To discover the full range of products offered in your area, please contact your nearest office