Professional Advantage Pty Limited recognises that its activities may impact upon the environment both through its internal operations and through its influence and effects on the wider community. Professional Advantage acknowledges a responsibility for, and a commitment to, protection of the environment at all levels. To this end, we consider our environmental performance as core to the business' overall purpose, and we review said performance annually. Professional Advantage will comply fully with environmental legislation and will commit to continued efforts to:
- Promote environmental management policies and practices throughout all departments of the business.
- Minimise the extent of the environmental impact of its operations, as far as is reasonably practicable.
- Conserve energy through minimising consumption and maximising efficiency.
- Increase awareness of environmental responsibilities amongst Professional Advantage employees.
- Endeavour to perform business electronically to reduce paper usage.
- Minimise waste and develop, implement, and operate environmentally sound waste management procedures and encourage appropriate conservation, re-use, and recycling.
- Encourage and facilitate modes of transport used by Professional Advantage staff that minimise environmental impact.
- Embrace the use of recycled materials and ensure that materials or waste generated by the business are recycled, where appropriate.
- Avoid wherever practical the use of materials which may be harmful to the environment.
- Maintain all Professional Advantage premises in an environmentally sensitive way.
Progress in implementing this policy is reviewed annually by the Management Team and reported to the Professional Advantage Board of Directors.