What are the components of Power BI?
There are three main components to Power BI, with each component serving a different purpose:
- Power BI Desktop: Power BI desktop is the authoring tool of Power BI, used by the report designers to access, transform, and model the data, create measures, and build the data visualisations. This application is free to download and supports Windows operating systems.
- Power BI Service: The Power BI Service component (https://app.powerbi.com) is the cloud based central hub of the Power BI solution where users access and interact with their Power BI reports. Users can create dashboards from their reports and can use the self-service functions to edit and create new visualisations. Crucially, users can then share the insights found and collaborate with co-workers on reports and dashboards.
- Power BI Mobile: The Mobile component of Power BI allows users to interact with their published reports using their smartphones or tablets via a downloadable app. It enables access to reports on the fly, anywhere, at any time. You can personalise data alerts and get real time data updates. Power BI Mobile supports Windows, iOS, and Android devices.