The competition for fundraising dollars and changes in how government funding is delivered has seen a demand by not-for-profit leaders for a more agile approach to reporting and planning, to better forecast revenue and monitor costs.

Velocity in reporting, rapid scenario planning, and accurate re-forecasting are some of the capabilities needed for an agile operating model. These capabilities enable stakeholders to evaluate different scenarios quickly and decide on a course of action.

From a technology perspective, there are several reasons why not-for-profit organisations struggle to become agile in their reporting, planning, and forecasting processes:
  • The data needed for reporting is collected manually from multiple non-integrated systems.
  • Reports and budgeting templates are based on spreadsheets which are time-consuming to manage, error-prone and difficult to scale.
  • Operational and data silos within the organisation hinder cross-functional collaboration and standardisation of reporting data.

Solver, a cloud based Corporate Performance Management software, enables not-for-profits to continuously measure their success by providing a 360-degree view of their organisation with centralised data from multiple systems within Solver’s data warehouse. It brings together financial, grants, membership activity, donations, volunteers, and other data sources in one place.

Watch to learn how Solver helps not-for-profit organisations optimise their reporting, planning, and forecasting to increase operational efficiency. Discover the innovation that the Solver platform brings.

During this webinar, Rebecca Gatehouse and Abdallah Saleh will show you:

  • How Solver’s built-in data warehouse allows you to unify the data you need from different systems into one place for reporting and planning.
  • How Solver helps not-for-profits automate mundane reporting tasks so more time can be spent on performance analysis instead of preparing reports.
  • How to leverage the capabilities of the Solver platform for cross-functional collaboration and a timely, accurate, and agile budgeting and forecasting process.
  • How to easily model different scenarios to test outcomes and enhance decision-making.
  • How to empower program managers with good quality data and visualisations to measure the impact of their projects.
  • How cost centre managers can analyse their data and contribute budgets for their activities.

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Presented by

Rebecca Gatehouse

Not-for-Profit Advisor

Rebecca is dedicated to helping not-for-profit organisations improve via the application of technology. With an understanding of their organisation, roadmap of improvements, and target business outcomes, Rebecca advises on the best approach and technologies that will deliver outcomes. Rebecca has over 15 years of experience working with customers to find, and get the most out of, the best technology to support their business.

Abdallah Saleh

Senior BI Consultant

Abdallah is a Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management senior consultant. He has worked with large implementation projects in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Australia throughout his career. He challenges clients to focus on business growth and performance management by providing them with a powerful and flexible CPM solution that supports their business.

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