To Setup Your Next Financial Year Follow These Steps: 


Go to Tools > Setup > Company > Financial Periods. If your New Year is not in the Year drop down box (e.g. 2025) enter that year. Ensure that the number of periods, the first day, and last day are correct for the year and then select Calculate.


Check that the begin date for each of the periods is correct.


Change the Period Name from Period 1 to a more descriptive name (e.g.) July (if required).


Select OK.


Now select the Tax Period button and do the same for your tax year.

Book Year End Assistance Today! 


We know that this is a busy time of the year for you and that this is a process that is only done once a year, so it may not be something you're familiar with. Let us take the stress out of the Year End processes by scheduling a resource to work through the steps with you. Contact your Client Management Team to schedule this work for you.

Download the Dynamics GP Year End documentation for the general ledger and sub-ledger modules to guide you through the Year End process! Make sure you check out our FAQ documents, answering all the common Year End processing questions asked by our clients.

Download your version of Microsoft Dynamics GP Procedures:


Need a recap? Watch the Dynamics GP End of Financial Year Process now.


Reduce the risks of errors slowing you down. Make your Year End process smooth and
simple. *Professional Advantage clients only.*