9 out of 10 Dynamics GP users that we talk to are looking for more from their current partner, like regular communication and informative updates (like those provided in the newsletter you clicked on). Professional Advantage clients get FULL access to our newsletter as just one part of a regular communication plan with clients.
How is your current partner performing? Have you settled for mediocrity?
More than 320 organisations choose Professional Advantage as their GP partner. Here are some reasons why:
More than 80% of cases are confirmed resolved by the client on the same day they were logged.
We have 12 dedicated GP support staff with an average of 10 years customer support experience.
Every client receives personalised service from a dedicated Client Management Team.
Does your partner support all aspects of your business?
Whilst we specialise in Dynamics GP, we also extend to all the supporting and complimentary applications from Microsoft, and offer a comprehensive range of third party add-ons to your Dynamics solution.
Our rich solution portfolio extends beyond ERP/Financials, to include Client Relationship Management, Intranets/SharePoint, Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management, Business Process Management and much more.
Is there a web-based self-service portal available?
We offer myPA, a web-based client portal that allows for submission, tracking, and resolution of support issues. It allows you to log, update, and manage your support cases.
Does your current partner proactively provide you with information?
The GP Advantage is the client newsletter for Dynamics GP that Professional Advantage sends to clients once a quarter. The email contains articles that focus on anything and everything, from promoting upcoming client events, advice from consultants, tips and tricks, to updates, and common support issues to allow you to combat them earlier.
Is your account actively managed?
Our clients have a personal Client Management Team, comprising an Inside Account Manager and a Client Success Manager. Their roles are to work with our clients to maintain the quality of their system, and to progress beyond this system, with the key aim to help our clients and their organisations achieve more.
What else can you expect from Professional Advantage?
Free webinars showing you tips and tricks around functionality and capabilities of GP, and keeping you up-to-date with ways to extend the use of your software.
Unlimited access to CustomerSource; a secure, password-protected area that provides you with self-help tools 24 hours a day.
Free documentation and demonstrations to help you close your year-end, ensuring a stress-free process.
Free induction training for new users.

To find out more about why Professional Advantage is the most popular Microsoft Dynamics GP partner, read our SupportPlus brochure!
Download brochure
Not sure how to transfer your Microsoft partner? It's easier than you think; read our guide on how to transfer Microsoft partners.
Download whitepaperAre You Interested in Getting More from Your Partner?
Talk to one of our support transition experts.
Fill out the form and either Rebecca or Hayley will call you back to discuss your partner wish list. Following the 6-month anniversary of our working relationship with a recent Dynamics GP support transfer, we asked them how they were finding working with us.
What pushed you to transfer your Dynamics GP support to Professional Advantage?
They just followed up, and delivered.
How would you describe your experience with transferring your support to PA?
Overall, 10 out of 10! The investment of time from our key contacts within PA has been really appreciated.
How have you found working with PA?
When working with a PA consultant, we were really impressed that they had accounting knowledge, and with their level of expertise.
What advice would you give to anyone contemplating transferring their Dynamics GP support services to PA?
Do it! We have already planned for a migration to Office 365 in 2020 with PA.