Budgeting Lessons Learned
from the Pandemic
2020 has taught us many lessons, both personal and professional.
In the corporate world, the pandemic amplified the need to utilise technology to enhance rapid decision making in times of change.
From in person to online selling, from classroom to remote learning, and to the normalisation of working from home; business models changed rapidly in 2020 and in many instances, technology was the enabler of this change.
In this event we focus upon the lessons we learned in the budgeting process and how technology can be the enabler to turn these learns into opportunities for 2021 and beyond.
Join Rebecca and Chris as they share what they are hearing from finance executives about the importance of:
Learn how technology can deliver these improvements enabling you to:
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Rebecca Gatehouse
Business Development Manager
Rebecca is dedicated to helping organisations improve via the application of technology. With an understanding of their organisation, roadmap of improvements, and target business outcomes, Rebecca advises on best approach and technologies that will deliver outcomes. Rebecca has over 12 years of experience working with customers to find, and get the most out of, the best technology to support their business.
Chris Catto
Solutions Lead
Chris is a Solutions Lead at Professional Advantage. His career spans over 20 years and includes various senior financial and management reporting roles for industry leading organisations. He has a passion and proven experience in managing and improving software applications, cash flow, team performance, budgeting, forecasting, executive management reporting, and product development.